2020-09-24 9:52 PM
I have search in universe and on youtube there are hundreds are videos which shows how to interface Touchgfx with ltdc interface, and wondering still ST fellows are making videos on same, on other side there is no single video or webinars which shows touchgfx integration with spi or fmc bus. except a single page document in helpfile which also refers to example of STM32L496-DISCO Application template. Now the real problem is how one can find what is changed in hundreds of file that are located in STM32L496-DISCO Application template.
So there is a need which is simply ignored by touchgfx designer along with ST employees to make a video step by step starting with scratch from cubemx and necessary modification for touchgfx integration for standard lcds available like ili9341 for parallel data and ST7735 spi controller since these lcds are widely available,
I forgot to mention
I have successfully interface https://lvgl.io/ ie littlevgl gui on stm32f407. They have written the code so down to earth where user only needs to provide setpixel function and lcd width and height.
Apart from this touchgfx has 2500+ page document to study which will take months to understand it.
So for fellows like me touchgfx is very badly written with lots of complexity
So first don't provide long help file rather step by step example tutorial is must have
2020-09-30 5:54 AM
Indeed making videos is required but unlike what you are saying, it is not ignored.
We are still a small team in the ST company and many things to do due to the enthusiasm around TouchGFX.
Videos will be made in the foreseeable future but it takes time to prepare. Thank you for your suggestion about "touchgfx integration for standard lcds available like ili9341 for parallel data and ST7735 spi controller".
Sorry if right now it is not clear enough and sorry for the wait.
2020-09-30 11:25 PM
That tells you what you need to know. You need to know how to interact with your display.
We're working on an F429-DISCO SPI Application Template (Display on there can do both) . We're coming out with a G0 application template as well that uses an SPI display.
2020-10-02 6:48 AM
Sorry i decided not to write and further waste my time here since its a only a miracle that will make Touchgfx working with custom LCD interface , but still to take you on right direction i am writing this so that it may be beneficial for rest of professional who are intending to use Touchgfx
Refer attached file
2021-02-18 12:01 AM
Absolutely agree with you. I'm not newbie with STM32, but waste around 2 weeks trying to run TouchGFX on F767Nucleo board + spi display and failed. It doesn't work even simple example (without display). I wrote a couple of questions here but without any helpful reply....
After that spent around 3h and get success with lvgl framework. So I have no idea what future Touchgfx has with so poor support and documentation.
2021-02-19 7:05 AM
It's becoming apparent that we need to make some improvements to a complex tool chain - That's a focus for us for the next few sprints. Sergii is helping provide some feedback towards that end. <3
2021-02-19 7:12 AM
Going through your document again, @URane - I will use this as input to make improvements.
2021-06-22 8:54 AM
I am also in the same situation. I have developed what can be called a driver for my TFT refering many pages. I can now draw graphics, write text, show image, on my TFT through FSMC interface in STM32F407.(Cube IDE)
Then I started to move to make my GUI attractive using ST's Own TouchGFX. Unfortunately I have very few pages available in the documentation to handle my situation.
Now I am fighting with Application template and other sample programs provided for TouchGFX in other development boards to crack the code execution flow.
To make things complex the examples are woven around free RTOS also. (lol.)
LTDC is not the only way to live in Embedded graphics world. Please consider those like me using Chinese TFT with built in controller and CGRAM.
But still, most of the other parts in the documentation are excellent.
2021-06-23 4:14 PM
Sorry you're having issues. 4.17.0 coming out in a bit will have FMC support directly through the Generator which might help you. Until then, there are some scenarios describing how to work with FMC display interface, and also there are two Application templates through the designer that are FMC enabled (F412-disco, L496-DISCO)
Hope that helps.
2021-06-23 7:50 PM
I think, What we need to know when not using LTDC is best explained here by this guy. This is the straaight forward one I can find for non LTDC scenario.
ST should do something to this purpose. (My opinion only)