2019-07-15 7:15 AM
We want to use 32F723EDISCOVERY having Frida FRD154BP2902-CTP LCD display.
On the TouchGFX designer it's application template is not available and also it's not listed in supported ST kits on the website.
Can we create custom template for 32F723EDISCOVERY in TouchGFX for GUI development and how easy would it be?
Also what kind of support is available if custom template can be created.
If not, are there any other IDEs/Development tools for 32F723EDISCOVERY GUI Development from ST/elsewhere.
2019-07-16 2:36 AM
Hi @Ameya M ,
You can create your own Application Template which can be loaded by the TouchGFX Designer, please use this link: https://touchgfx.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002741432-Create-custom-Application-Template
Even though the board is not listed on the supported stm32 kits, a port for the board is still possible ;)
Please see, https://touchgfx.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204993902-Porting-to-STM32F4-F7-boards for porting for F7.
The mcu you are targeting does not have graphical hardware acceleration and therefore all rendering will be done in software by the MCU!
I suggest you take a look in the STM32F7Cube package and find the example application configuring the LCD, this is located in Projects\STM32F723E-Discovery\Applications\STemWin.
If you wish to use TouchGFX instead of STemWin you can use the porting guide mentioned above to add the TouchGFX framework to the application.
2019-07-16 3:45 AM
Hello @Anders Nedergaard PETERSEN ,
Thank You for the reply.
The application is very space critical, hence we wanted this type of controller which does not need external RAM, etc. for Graphics.
We want standalone controller due to which overall form factor will be reduced.
But as you have mentioned in your reply, the target MCU does not have graphical hardware acceleration, so the graphics quality may get compromised.
But we want good graphics with minimal or no external hardware.
Please suggest a MCU covering following points:
1) Is supported by TouchGFX (and preferably in LQFP package, avoid BGA packages), ideally having configured Application template in TouchGFX
2) Does not need external hardware for graphics like RAM, even if needed the form factor remains small.
3) Graphics quality is not compromised.
Awaiting your reply.
2019-07-16 4:51 AM
Hi @Ameya M
In order to guide you better, I have a couple of questions regarding the application requirements.
a) Is the desired resolution the same as the display on 32F723EDISCOVERY and at what color depth would you like the application to run at?
b) What about power consumption, is it a battery power device?
c) Is the graphical application demanding, i.e. a lot of simultaneous animations or more static e.i. a menu like application?
You only mention that you want to avoid external RAM, what about external flash? - Using only internal flash will set a limitation on the amount of graphical assets you are able to use for the application.
2019-07-16 5:46 AM
Hi @Anders Nedergaard PETERSEN ,
A) Yes the desired resolution is 240*240 or similar and similar color depth as 32F723EDISCOVERY display
B) Yes it is battery operated device, 8.4 V 2A
C) It is for household application so it would be more static menu like.
We want as many less chips on the board as possible.
2019-07-17 12:29 AM
Hi @Ameya M ,
From a graphics point of view the STM32L4R9 will cover your needs.
Please take a look at the product page: https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32l4r9-s9.html#products
It is able to have the framebuffer in internal ram and we have an Application Template ready to use from the TouchGFX Designer.
2019-07-17 1:51 AM
Hello @Anders Nedergaard PETERSEN ,
Thank you for suggesting the controller.
One final question,
We have evaluated STM32L4R9I-EVAL kit, so if we do not want to use the configuration of the board and use minimal system will it still provide good quality graphics?
As mentioned earlier, we want small form factor, so if we do not have external RAM, etc. will it still be able to produce good graphics.
It would be helpful if you could provide the minimal schematic/configuration for STM32L4R9I for running graphics.
Also, previously, I had asked question about STM32L4R9I, Please refer below link for the thread:
@Martin KJELDSEN had mentioned "L4R9 will not be supported by CubeMX until later this year", in this case how will we progress if the controller won't be supported by CubeMX.
2019-07-17 3:51 AM
The Application Template for STM32L4R9 uses internal ram.
The quality of the graphics does not depend on the location of the framebuffer.
Performance on the other hand does, here internal ram is the fastest.
Regarding schematics I will refer you to look at the schematic for the DISCO or EVAL board for hardware configuration.
"L4R9 will not be supported by CubeMX until later this year", in this case how will we progress if the controller won't be supported by CubeMX.
The L4R9 is fully supported in the STM32L4Cube firmware package: https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stm32cubel4.html#overview
Here you will find examples on how to configure peripherals for the L4R9 MCU.
FYI, CubeMX is only capable of configuring drivers for internal components, you will have to configure drivers external components. So have a look in STM32L4Cube and see how external components are configured.