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TouchGFX Simulator skin not working

Senior III

I've made custom simulator skin for my project. My display is 1024*600 pixels (16-bit, rgb565, landscape). Project runs fine in simulator without skin and also on target.

When adding the skin the corner of the skin is at the corner of my window, so the top and left part of bezel obstructs the content.
"The X and Y properties determine the position of the simulator on the skin."
I found it actually does the opposite. It moves the skin relative to the simulator. So you need negative coordinates to center the simulator.
Furthermore the transparent hole in the center is not showing the content. Only at the transition of the bezel to the transparent hole can I see a line where I can make out parts of the content. I can see my desktop through the hole.

I tried TouchGFX 4.23.2 and 4.24.0

Creating a new project from scratch has the same problem. I created a project using STM32H735G-DK  (480*272 pixels, 24-bit, rgb888, landscape) and then added a skin. I get the same result.



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ST Employee

Hello @unsigned_char_array ,

Indeed the transparent hole in the center does not show the content, you need to have skin that has no transparency at the position of your simulator.


In the example above, the red zone is the border of your skin, the yellow zone is zone that will be visible from your simulator. The transparent and semi-transparent will not be displayed at all.

Concerning what's written in our documentation : "The X and Y properties determine the position of the simulator on the skin." There's no problem with that sentence.


On the example above, if I want to place my simulator on the yellow zone, I'll put an X and Y with positive value, for instance coordinate 140,140. The origin (0,0) is placed on top left corner of my skin (same as TouchGFX coordinate, so in the red zone, top left.

Hope it helps.

ST Software Developer | TouchGFX