2020-04-26 9:55 PM
I am working on below setup:
Software Tool Chain:
STM32CubeMX 5.6.0
STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0
TouchGFX 4.13.0 Designer
Application Template STM32F746G Discovery Kit v3.0.1
I am trying to do send/receive messages with Message Queues.
1) From TouchGFX Toggle Button to LED.
2) From Hardware Button to Text Area
as per below thread.
Program Successfully Build . But Still not succeeded to Work on Actual Hardware.
1) From TouchGFX Toggle Button to LED.
LED is not OFF/ON with TouchGFX Toggle Button
2) From Hardware Button to Text Area Update
HardFault and/or MemManage_Handler
Because I have changed priorities and Heap .
Can anybody look attachment ? Guide me What needs to be correct ?
To solve the problem .
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-02-18 6:23 AM
Hello @Community member , @Martin KJELDSEN ,
I'm facing the same problem with the STM32L4R9-discovery.
I have a file called app_main.c in which there is the function "app_main_task" which is called from the mainTask in main.c
In the function "app_main_task" I do :
if(newMessage == true)
newMessage = false;
msg = 1;
if(osMessageQueuePut(queueToUIHandle, &msg, 0, 0) != osOK)
//DO stuff
My queue is defined as : extern osMessageQueueId_t queueToUIHandle;
In Model.cpp I'm doing :
if (osMessageQueueGet(queueToUIHandle, &msg, NULL, 1) == osOK)
//uint8_t i = 8; // Dummy code
//i = i + 1; // Dummy code
if(msg == 1)
If I use uint8_t or bool or whatever there is no problem but if I use the osQueue the HardFault_Handler is called.
The Fault Analyser is telling me that : "Bus, memory management or usage fault (FORCED)" and "Attempt to switch to invalid state "INVSTATE". And sometimes I get instead "Attempt to execute an undefined instruction (UNDEFINSTR). If I put code in my if or not, if I add dummy code or not, the behaviour is different : not always the same usage fault, in some case program is working but screen is stucked, etc.
I can create a new issue but it seems to be the same problem !
2021-02-19 12:15 AM
Did you check your FreeRTOS heap settings before you started adding more tasks?
2021-02-23 6:03 AM
Hello Martin,
You are right, if I put it in a default task it seems to work but not in my defined task.
However I don't understand why my own task does not work ^^.
If you mean the "FreeRTOS Heap Usage" in CubeMX, it is correct (I still have 6000 bytes of space left).
The behaviour is the same if I create my task as static or dynamic. It is also the same if my size is 128 or 512 or even 1024.