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TouchGFX: Example Projects won't run & simulator button unusable


I am using a TM32429i-EVAL1 and TouchGFX 4.20.0, and cannot use any of the example projects. I am getting this error message.0693W00000VONNFQA5.pngFurthermore, I am trying to run some old projects I have on TouchGFX but the 'simulator' button appears grayed out. Could it be that the files I'm trying to run are file version 4.16?

ST Employee


I do not have the board with me so I cannot test on target, we will have to rely on someone else to do it. But could you give more details on what you have tried ? Did you start a project from TouchGFX Designer 4.20 with the latest version (v3.0.7) of the TouchGFX Board Setup for the stm32f429 eval ? Or did you upgraded an older project to TouchGFX 4.20 (which is what I am assuming based on your last sentence)?

What UI or demo did you use ? I did not face any issue on my side with the simulator with the few UI examples I tried with TouchGFX 4.20 and that board.

If you are starting from a TouchGFX 4.16.1 project you need to regenerate code from STM32CubeMX as well to make sure everything is properly updated to TouchGFX 4.20. You might also face some issues with deprecated functions as there has been a lot of changes between those versions.
