2019-05-10 1:51 AM
I try to use TouchGfx make project load to STM32H743EVAL board
I got some problems on qspi
I us keil to download but I didn't download my main and other init program code start in 0x08000000
It only load 0x900000000
here is my .sct screen shot
How to solve this
If all file under 2MB
I can direct download and STM32H743EVAL board can work
But if too much photo
How to set keil setting to use qspi?
2019-05-10 2:13 AM
Hi @ggyy426,
How did you create your project? You also need to specify the H743-EVAL qspi flashloader in your project i suspect. I have not used Keil to program H743-EVAL.
2019-05-10 2:25 AM
thank for answering
2019-05-10 2:36 AM
I create a small demo in touchGfx also choose STM32H743EVAL
I already create a new algorithm through
But something wrong happen If my photo too much more than 2MB
2019-05-10 3:53 AM
Hi @ggyy426,
Can you share some logs? Some error output?
2019-05-10 4:37 AM
Actually no error
but download in Kiel will see something wrong like main program should load in 0x08000000 but when use stlink will see not full load then jump to 0x90000000
min debug mode it hang at says_init
But if my photo is less than 2MB it can download successfully and it can run.
2019-05-10 5:09 AM
What does your linker script say? Does it specify QSPI to be more than 2MB?
2019-05-10 5:21 AM
Of code and photo are less than 2MBs it won’t need QSPI STM32H743EVAL can run all code and photo will in 0x08000000 section
But if too much photo code should in 0x08000000 photo text font should in 0x90000000.
but code not full put inside0x08000000 section.
cause my system can’t initialize in debug mode.
2019-05-10 5:22 AM
His scatter file (linker script) clearly shows the QSPI is specified at 28 MB
2019-05-10 6:25 AM
Might be easier if you just send me the project and i'll check it out.