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TouchGFX Designer VS CubeMX pinout configuration for STM32H747I-DISCO FMC memory. Which is the correct one?


TouchGFX Designer version: 4.21.4

CubeMX version: 6.8.1

These are the pinout difference:

Signal, Pin TouchGFX, Pin CubeMX

FMC_SDCKE0, PC3, Not Mapped

FMC_SDCKE1, Not Mapped ,PH7

FMC_SDNE0, PC2, Not Mapped

FMC_SDNE1, Not Mapped ,PH6


The DevKit schematic corresponds to the CubeMX configuration. This makes me think that CubeMX generates the correct configruation for FMC SDRAM.

The project generated by TouchGFX designer works correctly launching from either TGFX Designer or STCubeIDE.

The questions are:

  1. Which tool generates the correct pinout mapping?
  2. If CubeMX is the answer to previous question then:
    1. Why does the TGFX generated project works? Doesn't it uses FMC SDRAM?
    2. Does TGFX designer has a bug generating the code?
    3. Can I safely use the TGFX designer generated project and just change the pinout according to what the schematic shows?


ST Employee

Hello LChai.1,

There's no incorrect one. The TouchGFX board setup for STM32H747I-DISCO is preconfigured to be working with TouchGFX, and the pinouts are correct. But a project started from scratch with STM32CubeMX also has a correct pinout configuration, remember that there could be multiple pinout configurations that are ok.

So there's no bug in generated code, and of course, you can use TouchGFX Designer generated project.


ST Software Developer | TouchGFX

Hi Osman, thanks for your answer.

There's something I don't understand.

Let's consider the FMC_SDNWE signal, in the schematic is connected to PH5 port as CubeMX configuration. Touch GFX on the other hand configure PC0 as FMC_SDNWE signal, but PC0 in the schematic is used for some signal required for USB functionality.

So how can TouchGFX configuration be correct if the FMC_SDNWE signal is physically connected to a non-FMC related IC (USB instead)?