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Touchgfx data store in External QSPI Flash

Hello, I am using STM32F746 discovery board with Touchgfx. As LCD data size is more( Assume 5 MB), I need to put in external QSPI flash. We can store QSPI data in indirect mode and read with memory mapped mode of QSPI. I found that with changes in linker file and with some setting in IDE, we can able to program QSPI with internal flash.

But suppose if i just want to share .hex file of application to other person, In that case how should we flash QSPI data ? I am not able to understand that process.

Any suggestion?



You could write your own boot loader that could take a .HEX file and program your internal/external memories.

For the boot loader path, perhaps review the docs / example for IAP (In Application Programming)

For field updates you could perhaps store a .HEX or .DFU on a MicroSD card and the IAP loader could use that to update your device's memories.

If you supply a .HEX file, it should describe the data in the assorted memories, and then your flashing tool/application would need to provide an external loader compatible with your design.

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Thanks, I not using exactly Devkit but a customized board which don't have MicroSD card. I was looking if there is quick solution for this issue from STM thn going with own boot loader solution for initial phase.

Also I can see external loader option in IDE STM32CUBE programmer. Not sure if this can help.


Sure, it would need an external loader which is compatible with your board (ie chip, clocks, wiring, etc)

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Yes we can put linker script with section as QSPI but suppose we are not usng IDE, so Do we need to make 2 hex file from one project, One with application code and another with QSPI data? Later using external loader to program with 2nd hex file? Sorry I am not able to make logic with this info. Can you suggestion how it should be implemented ?

Also want to know how to external QSPI flash bin file only from hex file? I need that QSPI session to load using external loader.