2019-01-23 3:35 AM
I installed touch 4.10
select STM32429I-Disc1
after combining package:
1 At startup and when I pressed "Run Target" or "Generate Code" the program shows:
"Error during code generation".
2 When I pressed "Run Simulator":
"Unable to lounch simulator".
When forming a project from CubeMX, the same thing happens.
Does anyone know what's the matter?
2019-02-11 1:07 AM
(You're also welcome to send me the project).
For building through the designer the mingw32 library must be present: Middlewares\ST\TouchGFX\touchgfx\lib\win\mingw32\libtouchgfx.a
The SDL libs are inside: Middlewares\ST\TouchGFX\touchgfx\lib\sdl2\win32
2019-02-11 1:20 AM
My TouchGFX works on other PCs (on a virtual machine and at home), a problem with a working PC, administrators cannot help
I compared, all the same on all PC
2019-02-11 4:47 AM
Hi @Martin KJELDSEN . Thanks for your replies.
You are correct, for the created project, the above 2 folders were not auto-generated. To resolve, copied the missing 2 folders from the STM32F429i-DISC1 project we had on the same drive inside this broken folder structure.
Now the simulator is working fine :grinning_face:
Thanks. Time permitting, will try some experiments with the STM32F429i-DISCO kit which we believe to have in the lab.
Bye for now.
2019-02-11 4:53 AM
1) Can you post your project that is raising the errors? You can use wetransfer (free) service to post a large file for the access.
2) It appears that you have a working platform for the STM32F429i-DISC1 kit but if you do not, please review:
Without the above procedure, the target kit will not work nor compile error-free correctly.
2019-02-11 5:20 AM
Good luck on the STM32F429i-DISCO :) With CubeMX? I wrote an article on STM32F429i-DISCO + IAR + CubeMX. Maybe some of it is useful - you're probably not using IAR.
2019-02-11 5:24 AM
Thanks @Martin KJELDSEN , we actually wrote the first article on the integration with IAR about a month ago - took forever to fix the many raised errors but got it working well of weeks of debugging (STM32F429i-DISC1 + IAR or SW4STM32 + CubeMX):
On some feedback - Keil appears to be still broken as far as we know with the tool integration. Perhaps the fix for this integration can be raised as a priority of things to fix? :grinning_face:
The next challenge, time permitting, is to see if we can get the STM32F469i-DISCO working with these tools.
2019-02-11 10:11 PM
I take any demo project fo stm32f429i-disc1
2019-02-11 10:44 PM
Your efforts to help the community are _greatly_ appreciated =) It's great to have guys like you in here.
In terms of Keil support - We want TouchGFX to be a smooth experience with little to no effort to get things running. CubeMX interfaces with lots of other components, but we're working with them to improve integration when possible.
2019-02-14 6:24 PM
@DSham , review this thread for complete details on how to build for stm32f429i-disc1:
You can use IAR or SW4STM32 (free) compilers. Good luck!!
2019-02-14 10:10 PM
SW4STM32 does not help.
the result is the same