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TouchGFX 4.18 and STM32CubeIDE - Unable to compile (Videos.s)


Hi, I've just managed to get 4.18 to show into STM32CubeIDE and fairly happy about that. However quite shattered to find out that some of the same 4.17 bugs remains... among a new one that is new to me (Videos.s). All in all, the default generated code does not compile and consequently makes TouchGFX unusable. Quite unfortunate.

Anybody had any luck getting around the now old 'touchgfx_init' and 'touchgfx_taskentry' bugs?

ps. the videos.s bug (1st screenshot) can somehow be fixed by simply deleting the entry from the resource tree.



Senior II

I have the same issue here with my existing project after upgrading to touchgfx 4.18. I did never use Keil but keil and iar always had been generated.

Could you share your project ? This confuses me a bit because I am able to make it run with those steps (refer to Board Bring Up articles in the documentation):

  • Open STM32CubeMX
  • Create a project with the correct MCU (STM32F412RGT6)
  • Set whatever is needed for your project (flash, RAM,clock configuration, ...). Enabling CRC is necessary
  • Add TouchGFX with the "Select Component" option in the "Software Packs" tab
  • Make sure you enable X-Cube-TouchGFX_4.18.0 in the added Software Packs section at the bottom of the tree view in STM32CubeMX, set whatever is relevant (only changed the widht and height by reflex just to have a temporary clearer project in TouchGFX Designer)
  • Under the Project Manager tab select the right toolchain (STM32CubeIDE) and uncheck the "Generate Under Root" option
  • Generate code and close STM32CubeMX
  • Navigate to the project folder and go to the /TouchGFX folder. Open the generated ApplicationTemplate.touchgfx.part with TouchGFX 4.18 (if no TouchGFX folder was generated make sure you have actually enabled TouchGFX in STM32CubeMX)
  • Do whatever you want in TouchGFX Designer and generate code (additionally, remember to always generate code from TouchGFX after doing changes in STM32CubeMX)
  • Navigate to the project folder and go to the /STM32CubeIDE folder. Double click on either the .cproject or .project to open it with STM32CubeIDE.
  • Try to build.


@Romain DIELEMAN​ Thanks for letting me know this is STM32CudeIDE related. What is the official ST channel for reporting bugs? so I can have the dev team made aware, or at least ensure 100% that they are aware, if you haven't raised this internally already (which I'm sure you did already??).

ps. not waiting, just hoping rather! Every once and then when TouchGFX releases an update we give it a go and if it doesn't work out of the box we just close everything and move on with other priorities. Guess you're lucky I'm in the mood to report it... ;)

Looking forward 4.19.0 (fingers crossed). Thanks for your support, Romain

The documentation for TouchGFX recommends to start a project from STM32CubeMX when working with TouchGFX.

STM32CubeIDE, Keil and EWARM are just embedded workbench/platforms which can be used to edit, compile and run your projects. STM32CubeIDE is a free toolchain from ST but not every company uses it. Our TBSes include projects for all those toolchains and also a Makefile for arm-gcc which is used by TouchGFX Designer for the "run on target" functionality.

Concerning the initial issue with projects not converted to C++ automatically by STM32CubeIDE, I have been told (also tried an alpha version) it would be fixed in the next release of STM32CubeIDE (1.8).


Yes I've raised this internally :thumbs_up:. For TouchGFX it would be through the forum or through me or Martin Kjeldsen. For everything else I do not really know to be honest apart from our internal platform. I suppose the forum is always a good place otherwise depending on which region/country you live in, it is possible to contact the local marketing people or FAEs.



The keil and iar folders are always generated in case you use those toolchains one day. We discussed it earlier today internally and it is something that will be fixed in TouchGFX 4.18.1 as it is not relevant to generate it if you will never use it.

Do you also face the error from STM32CubeIDE or was the issue just that the folders are generated. Are you working on a custom project or did you use a TouchGFX Board Setup for one of the ST development boards available in TouchGFX Designer ?


@Romain DIELEMAN​ 

Well. I don't know what else to say other than passing my most sincere apologies to your team and yourself, Romain.

The bullet method above works and compile perfectly fine if followed to the letter (thanks x100). Quite different from what I used to be doing, which was creating a new project out of STM32CubeIDE and dbl-clicking on the ApplicationTemplate.touchgfx.part from STM32CubeIDE itself and working my way in TouchGFX and STM32CubeIDE solely. I swear this used to work before, never had to use MX until today.

MX. So be it. Thanks for sharing The Official Method of getting a blank project init and compiling.

One last thing; can you please confirm that the resource tree (files/folders generation) is up to spec on the visual below, see circled in red. If this is all dandy I'll therefore employ your method for all new projects and circulate the info around so we're all on the same folder-structure here.



pps. notice the Videos.s not interfering when using your method. That said it may be a user (myself) error more than a bug as initially reported.

One would be silly not to consider STM32CubeIDE as the official 'go-to' dev platform for ST's. 1.5 years in its generation and never had a crash, memory leak, freeze, anything at all. Manages workspaces, 3rd party pckg, import/export, I could continue like this for a while - in the sense that its pretty damn hard finding anything negative to say about it.

That might come across as rude but if I'd had decision power at ST I'd literally trash the rest and center my ecosystem around STM32CubeIDE. All of it... dev, compilers, packages, weekend dating, online casino accounts, national voting system, dentist appointments, e v e r y t h i n g!

Guess you can tell I'm in a better mood. Thanks for everything, Romain

No worries at all, I was actually concerned and wanted as many info as possible to find out possible bugs to help. Happy to hear it works now :thumbs_up:

And yes the folder structure is what you should expect/have.
