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TouchGFX 4.17.0 ,"you are not connected to internet" error is showing



when TouchGFX 4.17.0 is opened I'm getting an error stating no internet connectivity even though my laptop is connected to internet . also in the selection of boards I'm not getting any board option .

thanks and regards



Could you ask your students who could not connect to the server to first open a browser like Microsoft edge to be sure TouchGFX Designer has access to the server ? If it still does not work could they share their logfiles found under %appdata%/Roaming/TouchGFX-4.17.0.

Would moving to the latest version be an option ? TouchGFX 4.17.0 faced an issue where people could not enter their proxy login, which is not a necessary step for everyone but i would not be surprised if computers in a schrool would ask for it (but then it should impact all pcs not just a few)


I've just noticed that this forum page connects with TLS 1.2. I do not see why the demos served to TouchGFX Designer need to connect with TLS 1.3. It seems absurd to enforce such a strict standard for demos and not for the rest of their web services.

ST Employee

I will close this post as it is starting to become too big and answering different issues people have met. If you face a similar issue to one of the users in the post, see what was answered to that question or create a new post for better visibility.
