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TextArea shows extra pixels randomly

Associate III

STM32H750 with external flash and SDRAM

TouchGFX version: 4.13.0

CubeIDE version: 1.3.0

display size: 480x272(landscape), but I config the display orientation in portrait in TouchGFX

color depth: 24bits

Double framebuffer, Chrom-Art


Please see the video. You can see some pixels around the TextArea "5" are blinking with another icon. These pixels happen randomly and can be everywhere around the numbers. I've tried AP4861 4.5.2 second method, and 4.5.3​, but with no luck. Could anyone give me some advice?



Senior III

Looks like those pixels are in sync with "WiFi" icon. Can you try to move this icon or change it temporarily for another one?

Yes, when I remove the WiFi icon, these pixels do not blink, but it still appears randomly.

Alexandre RENOUX

Hi JLee.32,

First off, 4.13 is a pretty old version of TouchGFX so I recommend to update to TouchGFX 4.17 and CubeIDE 1.6.1.

If you put the text in Internal Flash, does it still produce the issue ?

If you configure in landscape mode do you reproduce the issue ?

Please do some tests to help reduce the range of possible issues ^^
