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Successful upload to discovery board results in a blank screen using STM32CubeIDE and TouchGFX.


I am using the STM32F469 discovery board to learn about UI, so I am not very experienced.

I have followed tutorials which allowed me to successfully build a project using STM32CubeIDE along side ToughGFX. Next I use the debug tool and the process seems to be successful in terms of STM32CubeIDE as no errors occur and the phrase "Download verified successfully". However, the board does not display anything on the screen. The board just turns on LED1-LED4, and the COM LED on the back flickers green and red.

Does anyone know what the source of my problem is, or the general area I should be looking into?


Bob Bailey

click pause and see if the code is stuck. If you added an RTOS task the heap size will need to be increased.