2020-02-12 4:54 PM
I was use CubeMX create a LTDC function for STM32H750VBT6
my steps:
1.Open CubeMX
2.MCU Select:STM32H750VBT6
3.Function Select:RCC�?LTDC�?DEBUG�?SPI6�?FREERTOS
4.Generate Code to create a new project
5.Open this project by IDE
6.Download and Run
I executed the code,only if this code is executed, it must be crash.
I used Nucleo-H743ZI to do the same steps, it wasn't work too.
But, I used STM32H750B-DK to do the same steps, it's work ok.
How to solve this bug?
2020-02-13 6:23 AM
I've had a similar problem with STM32H743ZI, MCU locked up when accessing certain LTDC registers. Some other clock was 10% off as well, so I was quite certain that there is an issue with the SystemClock_Config() function generated by CubeMX, or with some HAL functions that it calls.
I have replaced the SystemClock_Config() function with my own, going through the PWR and RCC chapters of the reference manual, and setting every parameter using the register interface.
* means that after setting these parameters, you must wait until the corresponding status bit is set before proceeding to the next step.
2020-02-13 4:28 PM
I also suspect that there is a problem with the SystemClock_Config generated by CubeMX.
My LTDC PCLK setting originally is 9MHz.
I tried to change from 9MHz to 15MHz, and this problem was solved.