2020-01-05 04:08 PM
I can not get the DCMI Working with OV7670 Camera.
The Hardware is correct, Camera setup is correct.
HAL_DCMI_Start_DMA(&hdcmi, DCMI_MODE_CONTINUOUS, (uint32_t)framebuffer, sizeof(framebuffer)/4);
The DMA Always Fails.
The problem is with the STM32Cube generated code.
I need to help debugging the Problem.
Who can I discuss the problem with?
2020-01-05 06:22 PM
What is the memory area you are trying to DMA it to ?
Not all memory areas on STM32H7 can be accessed by the DMA.
What is the address of "frambuffer" in above code snippet ?
2020-01-05 11:34 PM
2020-01-06 05:13 PM
uint16_t *framebuffer = ( uint16_t *)0x24000000 ; // AXI SRAM @ 0x0x24000000 -0x2407FFFF (512 KByte) in domain D1
uint32_t frambuffer_size = 320*240*2 ; // Bytes
2020-01-06 05:16 PM
Is there anyone at STMicro that can confirm and Fix the Bugs in the STM32Cube for STM32H743zit code.
Please send me the contact Info. I'll help in anyway I can.