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Paul Sidorov
Associate II
Posted on May 10, 2018 at 15:56


I try to realize DCMI interface with DMA based on STM32H7 kit, and read two manuals such as 

AN5020(page 45)


RM0433(page 638) . I suppose I have found some error. On the screen we can see different DMAMUX1 request. What kind of request should I use?


#dcmi #dcmi-dma #dmamux #stm32h7
Posted on May 10, 2018 at 16:59

In prior designs the trigger sources were hard wired, so a particular trigger like DCMI would give you a handful of Channel/Stream selections, and you had to play Will-it-Blend to see if all your resources could work together.

On the H7 the system is more flexible and any of the streams can take any of the sources (channels). Basically you have a knob with 100+ choices rather than 7 or 8 limited choices.

So pick a free DMA stream and route it to the DCMI#75 source

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ST Employee
Posted on May 10, 2018 at 17:18



You are right, the reference manual is correct:

DMAMUX1 requestis

I raised this internally to correct the value in theAN5

Thanks and

Best Regards,


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Posted on May 10, 2018 at 17:45



There are a lot of rough edges in the H7 documentation, what's the plan and timeline on addressing these things?

What is going on with the H7 series? Is there a die spin to address issues/errata? Is there a new multi-core device? Is there a DISCO board? Support for DSI?

There seem to be some distractions from actively marketing and supporting the part, and I'm trying to understand that, as an outside observer something seems to be going on, and I think it would be helpful to communicate these things with some more clarity.

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Paul Sidorov
Associate II
Posted on May 11, 2018 at 14:45


Haha! I've found another error. Manual

RM0433(page 553)0690X0000060B8yQAE.png

Posted on May 11, 2018 at 15:04




Many thanks forbringing these typos to our attention.

I raised this internally for correction.

Best Regards,


When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".
Posted on May 18, 2018 at 14:40

Dear Clive,

Since the introduction of the H7 Serie  to the Market, we got a lot of interest from our customers and we wanted to keep a smooth transition for the STM32F7 series to new STM32H7 with Higher frequency ( 400MHz) and running from embedded Flash.   As of today  a new die with fixed erratas will be introduced with more features,

Stay tuned. It will come later this year and an official communication will be released on H7 Series. 

If more details  are requested we can discuss them in private and thru NDA.

