2021-06-19 9:15 AM
i have a STM32F746IGT Development board and (Waveshare) 7inch display(800x480).
Using tools are following bellow;
STM32CubeIDE 1.6.1
TouchGFX 4.16.0
STM32CubeMX 6.2.1
I change Stack Size is also it not work.
Searching in internet related this issues but not find anything.
i am facing this issues for long time.
any one please share solution for this problems.
Please find the attachment of Program file for reference.
where i am doing make mistakes....? i need change hardware or code........?
Thanks you
2021-06-19 4:13 PM
I don't have this board combo, get a Hard Fault Handler that outputs useful information so you can track down specifically what is faulting.
2021-06-20 2:26 AM
I dont check your code completely, but some tips: