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STM32F746g Discovery, STM32CubeIDE, FreeRTOS, TouchGFX


The screen has a shorter up / down dimension. Along the right side looking at the screen I have a white stripe from top to bottom. I have the whole screen black. How to remove it.

Senior III

that's a bit vague..

are you running a custom project or is it directly from the designer? have you been running projects before?

it sounds like something with the LTDC configuration and/or the LCD_Enable pin but it could be something completely else...



I design the STM32F746G Discovery screen myself.

I use STM32CubeIDE and FreeRTOS.

I choose standard settings. I set touchFGX as standard. In touch FGX I set LCD Reset - PI12 and EXECUTE. I choose Config-Display-Display Orientation- vertical. Besides, I change nothing. I'm going back to Canvas. I choose SHAPES Box. I stretch to the whole screen. APPEARANCE black. Create Code. I close touchGFX. In STMCubeIDE I choose Debug. The program loads into STM32F746G Doscovery. I choose RESUME. There is a black screen with a white narrow strip from top to bottom on the left side of the screen.



Previously I implemented projects on CubeMX and STemWin. There was no such problem.



I have START and STOP buttons. After pressing START text START will be red and STOP white and some function will be called. After pressing STOP text STOP is to be green and START is to be white and a function is to be called.

There are two pages scrolled with buttons. is scrolling pages with the button. Page scrolls only in STOP. How to set touchGFX?

why on gods green earth would you choose black as your color?

literally ANY other color would be better, red, green, blue, heliotrope.. white or black don't allow you to see if something is not right. It could be an alignment error or something more complicated.

It sounds to me that your program is running fine but I would try and load a template directly from the designer just to make sure that it works as intended

The code should be quite simple and if your start and stop buttons are in the save view, it could even be done in the View file only.. sounds like something is locking up.

Try and set a breakpoint in you start code and see if it fires properly

Red indicates engine running. Green engine stop. The white button was not pressed.

I don't know how to set touchGFX so that the button changes its color and another button when pressed

Senior III

you can add an interaction for your button making it 'call new virtual function'. make it call 'test'

now create a function 'test' in you view (remember to declare it in you .hpp file as well)

and when you press the button the 'test' function will fire. In that function you could write button.setColor or similar (can't remember the name on the top of my head).

you might need to call button.invalidate() before you see changes but I'm not completely sure about that.

I'll make a video of this in a short while..