2018-05-17 7:02 AM
Loading the default values in STM32f746 disco on STCubeMx, and performing following checks :
1. Graphics ticked, STEmwin enabled, Guibuilder enabled
2. Corrected the pixel resolutuon 480x272
3. Execute Guibuilder from within StCube
4. As per STcube manual (UM1718) check CRS, DMA2D, FMC,SDRAM,RCC,LTDC and DSI (all standard activated when loading the 746 Disco default .IOC profile.
I am still not getting any display for some reason. I have tried to disable RTOS as well as any other peripherals in the default setup that isnot required with no luck. I suspect a clock setup or something that has not been ticked.
Anyone perhaps have a working .IOC 32f746 Disco setup with working StemWin and Guibuilder for me to compare to?
thanks a mil
#stcubemx #mbedtls-stm32f746g-discovery #stemwin #stemwin-guibuilder2018-10-26 12:01 AM
2018-10-28 12:32 AM
HI Melt,
Thank You so Much, you have provided .ioc file, working fine but touch of the LCD is not working, currently I am working on that.
if you have any solution for Touch, please share with me.
Thanks in Advance!!
2018-10-28 3:55 AM
Hi Zafar
Are you using Stemwin? if you are then Stemwin will include the the touch functions. Remember to run Stemwin from within cubemx and make you GUI.
2018-10-28 4:49 AM
Hi Melt.
Thank You for your valuable replay!!
I will check it. :)
2018-10-29 1:37 AM
Hello @ZMohd.7 ,
I invite you to follow this FAQ: Enable touch screen on the STM32F746G-Discovery
Kind Regards,
2019-02-24 3:32 AM
Dear @Imen DAHMEN
I followed the provided link and it's perfectly fine for me display with touch.
This time I am trying to build basic graphics display program using Internal SRAM of STM32F746 discovery board, I am able to swap the graphics buffer memory location from SDRAM to SRAM provided example code.
But when i am generate a code using CUBEMX with STemWin and in FMC option select LCD Interface in memory type, code is build but unfortunately it's not working or display blank.
[ .ioc file are attached for your reference.]
Thanks in Advance.
2019-02-28 9:36 PM
Hi all.
If take the 4.26 project and open in truestudio the touch works. But if i tskr the 4.26 into CubeMX and migrate to latest CubeF7 touch doesn't work. Any ideas why?