2020-10-08 12:37 PM
I'm developing an application using touchGFX Designer Version: 4.13.0, all is working correctly when you run Simulator in touchGFXDesingner tool, but when flashing in disco board the screen is fridge and I have to reset the system, again and again the same problem. I have tested that if I use only 4 checbox widget instead of 16 all is working properly, more than four return the same problem.
Waiting for your help
2020-10-09 2:05 AM
Hi, I have tested tat in version 4.14 this bug is fixed
2020-10-09 2:53 AM
Sorry, unfortunately the problem still appear with version 4.14.
Attached below both the right option running is simulator and the bug running in dtn32469I-DISCO
As you can see in the second picture, the screen referred is appearing from the west, but the screen is fridge a that point.