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STM32CubeMX does not have a board model for the STM32F429i-DISC1. Are the pinouts for the DISC1 the same as the DISC?

Associate II

I know that the touch screen is reversed in one direction from the Disc to the Disc1. Are there any other differences? I want to use a couple of I/O pins for a project and need to know which ones are available.

ST Employee

Welcome, @SGill.3​ to the community!

the STM32F429I-DISC1 is almost identical to the STM32F429I-DISCO, except:

  • on STM32F429I-DISCO (obsolete)
    • SB11, 15 (RX,TX) = OFF, so so VCP (Virtual COM Port) is disabled by default
    • U2 (ST-LINK/V2) = STM32F103C8T6 (64K Flash)
  • on STM32F429I-DISC1:
    • SB11, 15 (RX,TX) = ON, so so VCP is enabled by default
    • U2 (ST-LINK/V2-B) = STM32F103CBT6 (128K Flash)

From TouchGFX's point of view, both boards are otherwise identical.

Does it answer your question?



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@Peter BENSCH​ ,

> From TouchGFX's point of view, both boards are otherwise identical.

No, they are not - as @SGill.3​ said, the touchscreen is mirrored in the longer axis.

If you have both versions at hand, you can try the simple "doodle" program I gave link to in that thread; and also the test program generated by TouchGFX, posted by Raymond in the parallel thread (where dmendesf confirmed the flip).


Associate II

The information about the pins is what I was looking for.

I have asked before if there was someway to flip the touch screen in the software, but did not get a good answer.


@Community member​

Thanks for the information. Unfortunately, I don't have the new version at hand, so I can't check or confirm this directly. As soon as I have one, I'll be happy to do so.



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Hi Peter,

Apparently, TouchGFX crew have the new version and build for that, so you should see the "mirroring" effect on the old version - just for the fun of it, you can try one of the firmwares posted by Raymond on eevblog.

