2020-05-17 6:05 PM
Error message
*** Using Compiler 'V5.06 update 4 (build 422)', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin'
Build target 'QD-TFT'
compiling main.c...
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(64): error: #20: identifier "LCD_COLOR" is undefined
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(65): error: #20: identifier "LCD_LOGPALETTE" is undefined
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(66): error: #20: identifier "LCD_DRAWMODE" is undefined
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(67): error: #20: identifier "LCD_RECT" is undefined
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(74): error: #20: identifier "U8" is undefined
const U8 * pPixel,
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(75): error: #20: identifier "LCD_LOGPALETTE" is undefined
const LCD_LOGPALETTE * pLogPal,
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(78): error: #20: identifier "U32" is undefined
GUI_COLOR (* pfIndex2Color)(
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(83): error: #20: identifier "U8" is undefined
const U8 * pPixel,
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(84): error: #20: identifier "LCD_LOGPALETTE" is undefined
const LCD_LOGPALETTE * pLogPal,
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(87): error: #20: identifier "LCD_API_COLOR_CONV" is undefined
const LCD_API_COLOR_CONV * pColorConvAPI;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(91): error: #20: identifier "U16P" is undefined
U16P XSize;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(92): error: #20: identifier "U16P" is undefined
U16P YSize;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(93): error: #20: identifier "U16P" is undefined
U16P BytesPerLine;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(94): error: #20: identifier "U16P" is undefined
U16P BitsPerPixel;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(95): error: #20: identifier "U8" is undefined
const U8 * pData;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(106): error: #20: identifier "U16" is undefined
U16 ID;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(107): error: #20: identifier "U16" is undefined
U16 Format;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(108): error: #20: identifier "U16" is undefined
U16 XSize;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(109): error: #20: identifier "U16" is undefined
U16 YSize;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(110): error: #20: identifier "U16" is undefined
U16 BytesPerLine;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(111): error: #20: identifier "U16" is undefined
U16 BitsPerPixel;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(112): error: #20: identifier "U16" is undefined
U16 NumColors;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(113): error: #20: identifier "U16" is undefined
U16 HasTrans;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(118): error: #20: identifier "U32" is undefined
U32 v;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(134): error: #20: identifier "U8" is undefined
U8 Pressed;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(135): error: #20: identifier "U8" is undefined
U8 Layer;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(185): error: #20: identifier "I16P" is undefined
I16P c0;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(186): error: #20: identifier "I16P" is undefined
I16P c1;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(190): error: #20: identifier "U16P" is undefined
U16P FirstChar;
..\STemWin544\inc\GUI_Type.h(191): error: #20: identifier "U16P" is undefined
U16P LastChar;
..\USER\main.c: 0 warnings, 30 errors
"..\OBJ\TOUCH.axf" - 30 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).
Target not created.
Build Time Elapsed: 00:00:01
I do not this problem why income.
2020-05-17 6:44 PM
Looks like you need to #include "LCD.h".
2020-05-17 6:58 PM
include in whats file?main.c already include this" LCD.h" but is not used,
2020-05-17 7:05 PM
this is message
2020-05-17 7:34 PM
Well the compiler isn't finding them. Make sure it's included before whatever include file needs it. Trace your include files to ensure it can see the definitions it's complaining about. The order of includes matters.
2020-05-17 7:49 PM