2016-06-20 10:57 AM
I use a STM32F429 Discovery board with an other Display (Newheaven 800x480,7 incheshttp://www.newhavendisplay.com/nhd70800480efatxvctp-p-6912.html
I use the LTDC controller of the STM32F4 to control the display. The buffer for the display is in the SDRAM and I use multibuffering to avoid flickering.
The display is OK, I seen the widget on it but the processor is very slow. Approvimatively 1 seconds to refresh a picture and copy the content from one buffer to the other. I suppose it's come from the access conflict to the SDRAM but I don't how to configure it. Here is my clock configuration:2016-06-21 7:14 AM
Hi Bobino,
I recommend that you follow these both threads which can help you : Otherwise, I recommend you totake a look to the ''FMC_SDRAM'' example in the STM32CubeF4 and compare it to your code. Example is under this path: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.0\Projects\STM324x9I_EVAL\Examples\FMC\FMC_SDRAM -Hannibal-2016-06-21 12:31 PM
Thank you Hannibal,
My SDRAM seems to be correctly connected. I have mesured with an oscilloscope and the GUI_MULTIBUF_BeginEx takes 400mS to execute (Display 480x800 in 16 bits for the 3 colors and processor at 180MHz). Don't know why. Best regards and thanks2016-08-26 10:12 AM
Hi Bobino,
I find some threads related to the same function issue, where SEGGER gives some suggestions. Check there and come back to tell me if that solve your issue or if you have further feedbacks. Follow :http://forum.segger.com/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=3297
, , -Hannibal-.