2016-08-29 4:18 PM
I'm using STM32L073 with LCD glass module.
The LCD glass has 27 segments, 1/3 bias.I'm going to blink up to specific pixels(seg10, com3) using the BLINK bits in the LCD_FCR register.In reference manual, Blink mode has 4 selection. 1. Blink disabled2. Blink on SEG[0], COM[0]3. Blink on SEG[0], all COMs4. Blink all SEGS and all COMsIt's seems to only control SEG[0]. Is it possible to control other segment?Thanks. #lcd #blink2016-08-30 8:10 AM
Hi Ryan,
I recommend the ''LCD_Discplay_text'' example in at this path: STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.7.0\Projects\STM32L073Z_EVAL\Applications\LCD\LCD_Display_TextThere is a Hal dunction called __HAL_LCD_BLINK_CONFIG() which Configure all LCD segments and Coms to blink at a selected frequency. It has a prameter''__BLINKMODE__'' that defined the LCD_BlinkMode which can be one of the following:* LCD_BLINKMODE_OFF: Blink disabled* LCD_BLINKMODE_SEG0_COM0: Blink enabled on SEG[0], COM[0] (1 pixel)* LCD_BLINKMODE_SEG0_ALLCOM: Blink enabled on SEG[0], all COM (up to 8 pixels according to the programmed duty)* LCD_BLINKMODE_ALLSEG_ALLCOM: Blink enabled on all SEG and all COM I recommend that you check also following ressources:* Section ''17.4.4 Segment driver'' , page 385, in STM32L0 reference manual* The application note LCD glas driver firmware which might be helpful for you.-Hannibal-