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STemWin - IAR inconsistent wchar_t size warnings

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

I'm building something with STemWin object libraries v 5.28 or 5.32 for IAR (STemWin532_CM7_IAR.a) and get warnings:

Warning[Lt009]: Inconsistent wchar_t size 

      GUI_BMP.o(STemWin532_CM7_IAR.a) and 158 other objects in STemWin532_CM7_IAR.a have wchar_t size 16 bits 

      aes.o and NNN other objects, some of them in ... and 73 other libraries have wchar_t size 32 bits 

The release notes for IAR states that


In EWARM version 7.80 and earlier, the size of wchar_t was 2 bytes wide and the runtime attribute was set accordingly.

In EWARM version 8.10 and later, wchar_t is 4 bytes wide.


Can ST provide the libraries for IAR built with a modern compiler version, please ?