2023-02-12 03:29 AM
Hi there
I'm currently working on a simple project and it is a simple 7inch LCD using a STM32H743IIT6 board.
I used GUIDRV_LIN for display driver. and I have set all the LTDC and FMC, etc.
here are my issues:
1- first: in a simple window I have some TEXT as my widgets
the problem is in the init part where we set for example Font, Alignment, etc. I set a color for TEXT background as below
hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(pMsg->hWin, ID_TEXT_20);
TEXT_SetFont(hItem, &GUI_Font24B_ASCII);
TEXT_SetText(hItem, "DG1");
but the thing is that I can not see the background color when I load the code to my board!
everything is just fine, except this issue. any Ideas?
2-there are some white dots here and there sometimes when I power on the board! I have the config multiple time, all seems right(as you all know, LTDC and FMC etc. are too long to put and describe here, that's why I didn't bring them up here)
so what is this one all about? any Idea?
thanks a lot in advance