2018-04-02 2:28 AM
i am trying to configure my the CubeMX for my STM32F429I Disc 1 board to show the default hello world sample, which is generated from the Cube.
I have try very much an have read the example in the firmeware packegs (1.19.0). I have attached the .ioc file.
In the moment i get only a quarter white image on the display (see attached image).
I want to attached the complete project, but the size is bigger than 50MB so i can only descripe what i have done after the generation of the project.
I have copied the files like in the video and with the BSD it works correctly ( i have comment out the GRAPHICS_XXX lines).
But when i will use the GRAPHICS_XXX nothing will work correctly.
I have tryied to compare the settings from the Example (STM32F429I_DISO_MB1075), which works correctly.
I have no glue, what i have do wrong. Can someone help me with the problem?
Best Regards
#stm32-stm32cube #stm32f429-graphic-lcd #graphics2018-04-02 3:59 AM
,Please try to use the latest version of Cube firmware packageSTM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.0,with
new STemWin applications for STM32F429I-Discovery.
In the main, the display issue may be caused by one of the following:
- Stack size is too low.
- Wrong initialization of the display controller.
- Wrong configuration of the display interface.
Best Regards,Imen
2018-04-03 3:02 AM
is there any tutorial or manual which discripe what i have to set to get the StemWin working?
I have tryied to call BSD functions directly and this works fine (I have changed the background color).
Thank you for your help.
Best regards
2018-04-03 3:33 AM
,I recommend you check the
Application note Getting started with STemWin Library.Best Regards,
2018-04-03 4:00 AM
i have read this note. I want to generate the 'Hello World' out of the cube.
When i am thinking right, it should be possible to create a correct program directly out of the Stm32CubeMX without any changes, or?
Best Regards,
2018-04-26 10:48 AM
,You can use STM32CubeMx version 4.25 withGraphics support is added.
You may find more details on how to use step by step
STemWinwith CubeMX
in the STM32CubeMX user manual ( ).
Best Regards,