‎2018-11-29 06:09 AM
i tried to generate for STM32f429i disco a project with graphic = touchgfx.
for disco the platform setings for touchGFX are
chip selet = PC2
WRX = PD13
RDX = PD12
But what should i program for SPI parameter ?
SPI = ???
best regards
‎2018-12-10 09:25 AM
Also stuck at the same spot for the "Platform Settings". Just left it blank, for now.
However, my TouchGFX graphics fail to appear on the LCD display. Were you able to get your GUI screen to display something other than the blank display using TouchGFX?
Will appreciate your feedback. Will keep reading and attempting other ideas...
‎2018-12-10 11:26 PM
no allways stuck, also no display of my touchGFX screen on LCD
Have you any idea ?
‎2018-12-17 05:16 AM
Hi. After 3 weeks of daily struggles, have this now working correctly on the STM32F429I-DISC1 target using both, the CubeMX and TouchGFX toolchains. Will review the process from scratch again to be sure that we are not hallucinating and will post a document detailing the steps. Now can rapidly create text / graphics and bounce back and forth between the tools without quirks.
‎2018-12-17 01:02 PM
Hi. Here is the first draft document of the full procedure to support the STM32F429i-DISC1 target that we followed:
Welcome your feedback on the document and if it works for you. Good luck! :grinning_face: