2022-02-10 10:13 AM
I am trying to locate the location of the source code for the compiled binary for STM32L4R9I-EVAL board. I was wondering if the TouchGFX team can help me with this.
I have already looked in the GitHub folders for this board and there is no mention of the source code there, except for the compiled binary.
2022-02-11 2:00 AM
You can find the source code either in Github or in your local firmware repository at Projects\STM32L4R9I-EVAL\Demonstrations
Good luck!
2022-02-11 11:33 AM
Hi Peter,
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I did go to the demonstrations folder in github for this eval board, but except for stemwin, there is no other source code. I am specifically looking for the touchgfx related demo source code and should have been located under the path below in github, but just has a readme file.
2022-02-13 11:12 PM
Sorry, the source code is unfortunately not available here for TouchGFX.
TouchGFX was still a licensed product at the time of creation, only STemWin was made freely available by STMicroelectronics. With the firmware for younger DISCOVERY kits the source code is usually included.
2022-02-14 11:13 AM
Thanks Peter for your response. It is disappointing that the source is not available because the stm32l4r9 eval kit supports two different displays and the only template is available is for the 390x390 display. You can't even start building a touch gfx project from the touch gfx aimed for the 480x272 display as it assumes you are building for the smaller circular display.
Starting from the Cube MX and then adding touchgfx is pretty complicated and requires you ensure all the dependencies are included. Can the ST team provide me with some kind of template for me to be able to create a Touchgfx project for the larger display for this STM32l4R9AI Eval kit, so I can quickly protoype and see if we it can meet our needs for a large scale project we are currently working on?
2022-02-14 12:04 PM
In fact, the STM32L4R9I-EVAL comes in two variants: with MB1314 (round display) and with MB1315 (480x272).
Maybe the TouchGFX team has a way to provide a template for the variant with MB1315 or give alternative hints.
2022-02-16 12:17 PM
Thanks one again @Peter BENSCH for your response. Yes I am interested specifically in the MB1315 daughter board and I am not sure how I can convince the TouchGFX team to create a template for this screen size too. It would be great if some one in touchgfx team can take the time to create this template as this is an ST Eval board.
If you have any suggestions as to who I can reach out to to see if this can be made possible?