2023-01-25 6:35 AM
every time I press 'Run Simulator', the build system checks all targets if update is needed. This takes often up to 10s.
Is there any way to run immediately simulator.exe ?
2023-01-25 6:51 AM
You could find and run the simulator.exe directly from the build dir ?
2023-01-25 7:44 AM
Yes, I could. Thanks.
Is there a way to run it from within TouchGFX generator ? Is there a way to customize Generator e.g. adding a button to execute ceratin task ?
2023-01-26 6:32 AM
Do you mean the generator embedded into CubeMX ?
If yes, it is not possible to run the simulator from there, it is only used to generate code in your project depending on the configuration you chose.
2023-01-26 6:56 AM
"Do you mean the generator embedded into CubeMX ?"
I see, sorry for the confusion. I meant from the tool "TouchGFX designer".
2023-01-27 5:17 AM
Not exactly what I am looking for but good to know that pressing F5 restarts the simulation.
However, F5 does not resets C++ program data.