2022-09-14 12:10 AM
Dear Sir,
i want to create project in Touch GFX Designer v 4.20.0 using hardware STM32F29 I discovery board,
1) when i click on Create button -> ST Microelectronics -> STM32F429I Discovery, software shows 0% but i get error of " Download of STM32F429I discovery failed".
2) Similarly when i go to examples -> animated image example , progress bar shows 33 % and "Download of animated image example failed"
3)Similarly when i go to Demos -> dice animation , progress bar shows 33 % and "Download of dice animation failed"
4) I am able to run the simulator and create some basic GUI of buttons
5) I am having STM32CubeMX 6.6.1 and Touch GFX 4.20.0 installed through STM32Cube MX -> manage Software packs.
Please suggest, as i am new to Touch GFX.
2022-09-15 2:22 AM
Hello NSane.1,
Just checked if there is a problem with our servers and it's not the case, I can create new projects with the STM32F429I Disco and also use examples (I tested the animated image example as you mentionned) and Demos (dice animation).
Maybe you have internet issue ? Do you have a warning icon on the top left corner of your TouchGFX Designer ?
I suggest you to erase all the folders you have in your appdata folder (C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\TouchGFX-4.20.0\Downloads) and try to relaunch TouchGFX Designer. If there's no Internet issue, it will download all the packages again.
Bt the way, which version of Windows are you using ? TouchGFX Designer is compatible for Windows 10 only, and using a previous version make that kind of problem happen.
2022-10-01 12:14 AM
Dear Sir,
sorry for replying late, as was busy on other work, thanks for your inputs. i returned back to touch Gfx designer and installed the software once again,
Please suggest some solution to resolve it
2022-10-10 9:20 PM
Dear Sir,
Please kindly provide some help/ advice regarding the above post.
Nikhil Sane
2022-10-11 5:26 AM
Hi NSane.1,
My apologies, I've tried my test with a STM32F469-Disco and not a STM32F429-Disco as you needed. Sorry about that.
I've tested now with the correct board and yes as you mentioned, using examples provided example with this board is not possible. The reason is that all UI Templates are running with a bigger resolution than the one supported by the STM32F429-Disco board (240*320). So unfortunately you can't use this example with this board.
BUT, you should be able to use the "TouchGFX demo 3" at least since the resolution fits perfectly.
Can you reproduce your issue and then send me your log file (C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\TouchGFX-4.20.0\TouchGFXDesigner.log), I'll try to investigate on that.
2022-10-11 10:37 PM
Dear Sir,
thanks for your reply, when i go to "Touch GFX Demo 3" and click on the Create icon, the progress bar proceeds upto 33 % and then i get the message of " Download of Touch GFX Demo 3 failed"
This type of problem i had faced earlier ( please refer the first post) where i was not able to download the Dice, please suggest some solution to overcome this issue,
my main intention is to get some hands on practice on this hardware and run to basic examples to get understanding of the environment ,so as to use it in my project.
your suggestion/ inputs will be highly appreciated
2022-10-11 11:41 PM
2022-10-12 3:22 AM
Hello NSane.1,
The latest entry I see in this log file dates from 2022-09-14, 13:16:43. So, it's pretty old.
Can you delete all the log files you have in the folder (C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\TouchGFX-4.20.0\), and also delete again all the folders in Downloads((C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\TouchGFX-4.20.0\Downloads). Then reopen your TouchGFX Designer and wait a bit (let Designer get the sources online). After that retry to download the TouchGFXDemo3 demo associated with STM32F429-Disco board and send me again the log file that will be generated.
2022-10-12 9:49 PM
Dear Sir,thanks for you reply/ inputs. as per your suggestion
1.) I deleted the Log file ( only 1) in the folder touch GFX folder
2) my download folder was empty ,so i was not able to delete any folders in downloads
3) then i reopen touch GFX Designer, it opened without any delay
4) but when i go to Touch GFX Demo 3 and click on Create, it shows " download of touch GFX failed"
5) No log file was created in the folder
6) i was able to create a simple application in touch GFX designer and test it with simulation
7) do you think i should uninstall touch GFX and again install it
Please suggest, thanks in advance
your suggestion/ inputs will be highly appreciated
2022-10-13 7:24 AM
Hello NSane.1,
Yes, try to uninstall and reinstall TouchGFX Designer. Without the log file it's hard to understand what's happening. It's very strange that your Download folder is empty. The log file should also be recreated when you open TouchGFX again.
By the way, do you have other TouchGFX Designer versions installed ? (4.19.1 or 4.18.0 ... ).