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Multiple graphs in swipe container

Associate II

When I put more graphs in a swipe container on distinct pages and try to make a swipe on the graph area, nothing happens, when i do the swipe out of the graph area, it goes to the next page. Does anybody know how can i solve this problem ?

Senior III

The problem is that Graph widget takes all gestures for itself. This is known problem and I have seen solutions on the net. The Idea was to take control over gestures and dispatch them properly.​

yeah, thanks, i already integrated this feature, i'll leave the code below

Associate II

code for swiping withing two graphs:

void GraphsView::handleClickEvent(const ClickEvent& evt)


  bool tempGraphAreaClicked = false;

  bool humGraphAreaClicked = false;

  if(TempGraph.getAbsoluteRect().intersect(evt.getX(), evt.getY()))


    tempGraphAreaClicked = true;


  else if(HumGraph.getAbsoluteRect().intersect(evt.getX(), evt.getY()))


    humGraphAreaClicked = true;


  // Click Event occurred

  if (evt.getType() == ClickEvent::PRESSED)




      // Click Event occurred within the graph

      clickStatus = ClickStatus::CLICKED;


    else if(humGraphAreaClicked)


      clickStatus = ClickStatus::CLICKED;


    GraphsViewBase::handleClickEvent(evt); // act normally


  else if (evt.getType() == ClickEvent::RELEASED)


    if(clickStatus == ClickStatus::CLICK_DRAGGING)






      // Not dragging, allow passing the event to the graph



    clickStatus = ClickStatus::RELEASED;



void GraphsView::handleDragEvent(const DragEvent& evt)


  bool dragIntersect = false;

  if((TempGraph.getAbsoluteRect().intersect(evt.getOldX(), evt.getOldY())) ||

    ( HumGraph.getAbsoluteRect().intersect(evt.getOldX(), evt.getOldY())))


    dragIntersect = true;




    // Drag occurred within a graph

    if(abs(evt.getDeltaX()) > 2 && clickStatus == ClickStatus::CLICKED)


      // We are now dragging, cancel any graph touch by creating a new click event

      // and forwarding it to the rest of the view

      ClickEvent cancelEvt(ClickEvent::CANCEL, evt.getOldX(), evt.getOldY(), 1);


      clickStatus = ClickStatus::CLICK_DRAGGING;



  if(clickStatus == ClickStatus::CLICK_DRAGGING)


    // We are dragging, forward drag events to swipe container only





    // No dragging within a graph occured, act normally




void GraphsView::handleGestureEvent(const GestureEvent& evt)


  if(clickStatus == ClickStatus::CLICK_DRAGGING)


    // We are dragging, forward gesture events to swipe container only





    // No dragging within a graph occured, act normally




Associate II

Declare those in header file

  void handleClickEvent(const ClickEvent& evt);

  void handleDragEvent(const DragEvent& evt);

  void handleGestureEvent(const GestureEvent& evt);

  enum class ClickStatus {





  ClickStatus clickStatus;