2019-09-10 11:54 PM
https://touchgfx.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020001992-Configuring-STM32F7508-DISCOit is only described by ewarm program but there is no information about keil related library installation under this title
Modifying the EWARM Project
Open the IAR project in EWARM -> Project.eww
In the project add a sub-group under Drivers called BSP and add the three files stm32f7508_discovery.c and stm32f7508_discovery_ts.c which is located in STM32F7Cube installation foler, [STM32F7Cube]Drivers/BSP/STM32f7508-Discovery and the file ft5336.c located in [STM32F7Cube]/Drivers/BSP/Components/ft5336
Add the STM32F7508-Discovery folder to included directories by opening the options for the project wither by pressing Alt + F7 or selecting options under Project in the top bar.
In the options menu adding the directory is done in the following way.
how to install touchgfx touch libraries keil
Do you have a description of this issue
2019-09-13 2:01 AM
For keil you simply add the library to the project like you would a source file.