2018-12-18 05:53 PM
It is my first time to use TGFX, so I have a lot of questions about TGFX.
I want to use my own board, instead of evaluate board.
My own board means that it's my own layout.
So, could any one tell me is that need RTOS in my MCU?
And what should I notice about my LCD choice�?layout and circuit design?
By the way, I use STM32F446.
And last question, aren't my MCU and LCD module independent?
It's means LCD module likes C#, and uses some kind of communicate(Ex. SPI,I2C), so the GUI code only need to burn into LCD module.
2018-12-18 06:13 PM
Learn to walk before you try to run.
At the very least review the designs for the NUCLEO, DISCO and EVAL boards so everything doesn't need to be re-explained to you individually.
2018-12-20 01:01 AM
Hi Jacky,
First of all, TouchGFX works with any RTOS (Even no RTOS).
For TouchGFX knowledge, we have a lot of articles here (also hardware related) that go into detail about important topics: https://touchgfx.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/200529261-Knowledge-Base
You can use any type of display interface, DSI, 8080, parallel RGB. The porting effort will be different for each, parallel RGB being the easiest. The pixels from the touchgfx framebuffer will be transferred to the LCD module depending on the interface. E.g. we have DSI and Parallel RGB HAL implementations for STM32F4xx already and for an 8080 interface you'd need to transfer the data yourself in hooks that we provide.
Hope this is enough to get you started! Let me know if you need more information.
Best regards,