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Implementing my library

Associate II

Hello, I am having problems adding my library to my project. I added the .h file to Core/Inc and my .c file to Core/Src. I included the .h in Model.cpp since that is where I want to use it. I can use the definitions that are in my header file but not the functions. I think it is not able to properly link with the .c file and I do not know how to fix it.

C:/TouchGFXProjects/test/TouchGFX/gui/src/model/Model.cpp:46: undefined reference to `i2c_master_write(unsigned char*, unsigned long)'

ST Employee

Hello @MexiAxel ,

I suggest you try the following:

  1. open project properties 
  2. Add files to that project Include paths ( project->properties->c/c++ General->path and symbols ->includes ) (IN which folder files are available)
  3. Add folder (project->properties->c/c++ General->path and symbols -> Source Location ) (select your source folder)

if you are still having issues feel free to share it hope you find this helpful.

BR Hichem.

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Sounds like you haven't added the source file to the project.

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Principal III

Calling a C function from C++ code requires the function to have extern "C" linkage, see and HAL header files.



I tried this and it didn't work so I deleted the paths that I created but it caused other issues.

C:/TouchGFXProjects/test/STM32CubeIDE/Debug/../Application/Startup/startup_stm32f429zitx.s:113: undefined reference to `main'

I tried making a new project, but for some reason now I can not build any of my projects. If I press the build button it builds way too fast and it doesn't actually build anymore, it doesn't even tell me the errors either.

I did


you need to add the extern "c" before you include your header i have tested it and it works fine this is illustrated in the picture bellow you can check this link for more details about mixing c and c++ you will also find a screenshot of the template project  with extern "c" addition 


the main.cpp












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