2022-10-06 2:58 AM
Hi there,
We are completely stuck for a project with touch GFX and CubeMX (last version installed).
We try to use images stored in an SDcard.
We have understood the logic of transferring images from the SD card to the screen.
We have a just an output message from the command used to create le .bin file :
$ arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe --dump-section ExtFlashSection=images.bin TouchGFX/build/bin/target.elf
file in wrong format
We don't understand or act !
Have you a good idea?
2022-10-12 6:56 AM
Hello DLodo.1,
Can you give more information about your configuration please ?
Do you use TouchGFX Designer application to create your bin file or do yo run command lines in a terminal ?
2022-11-13 10:01 AM
Hello @Osman SOYKURT
I have this problem too. I want to convert touchgfx images to images.bin file with touchgfx_Environment.
According to this link(here) and the error is : (It has no contents: File in wrong format)
please help.
thank you.
2022-11-13 5:55 PM
Could you share the same information Oskt asked in his original reply ?