2020-02-24 12:10 PM
As the title says. I was in a webinar last week and I asked a question about the STM32F7508-Disco board not working with CubeIDE, CubeMX and TouchGFX. It is giving me memory errors when trying to load the code onto the board. They responded saying that the updated template would be released in about two weeks. Is there a way I will know when it is available?
2020-02-24 1:03 PM
It is basically an STM32F746G-DISCO with less memory in the linker script. The die still has 1MB of FLASH, but you'd want to push as much as possible into the QSPI memories.
Subscribe to the TouchGFX forum/group, I'm sure they will announce a new version shortly. This week was going to be Embedded World, usually schedule big news for then. Two weeks is the usual number you give when things are reasonably imminent, and don't want to be queried every Friday..