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I can't select item in scrollList


As I understand, TouchGFX uses l this algorithm:

-if I touch to screen and move finger - list is scrolling

-if I touch to screen and do not move - item under finger go selected.

I check it on 746GDiSCO - works very well.

But when I put scrollList to 1024x600 display, I got problem. Touchscreen of this display is very sensitive - very little touch to screen make moving list to 1-2 pixels. And scrollList1ItemSelectedHandler () not starts. It very difficult to touch to screen and do not moving.

I don't wan't to decrease touchscreen sencsitive

It will be god form me, if scrollList1ItemSelectedHandler will start regardless of movement, so that the touch calls scrollList1ItemSelectedHandler even when the finger moves

How to do it?

Sorry for bad English.


I think that is bug, that is not detected by ST employers. May be because they tested TouchGFX on small displays. On small displays this bug not visible.


I can't see sense in algorythm which don't select item when user touchs screen and make moving after touching.

I think that it is not bad, if item will be selected immediately after touching, and if user make movement after it, all elements (selected and not selected) moving with finger.

Today your algorythm looks;

  1. Detect touch.
  2. If after touch no movement and touch released - item selected
  3. if after touch user make movement - item never selected.

I think it is wrong.


Problem solved!

I use Pressed Callback.