2019-11-14 3:04 AM
I follow the website https://touchgfx.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360024979552-Using-Binary-Fonts-and-the-Font-Cache. But i can not create any binary fonts. The app.mk is like that :
# Relative location of the TouchGFX framework from root of application
touchgfx_path := ../../Middlewares/ST/TouchGFX/touchgfx
# Optional additional compiler flags
user_cflags := -DUSE_BPP=16
# Settings for image converter output format
alpha_dither := yes
# Dither algorithms: 0 (no dither), 1 (Floyd-Steinberg), 2 (Jarvis, Judice and Ninke), 3 (Stucki)
dither_algorithm := 2
opaque_image_format := RGB565
non_opaque_image_format := ARGB8888
# Settings for image converter screen orientation (empty string =
# default value, -rotate90 rotates the image 90 degrees)
screen_orientation :=
# Settings for Hardware accelerated text rendering on STM32F4 and F7
# devices. Must correspond to value of bitsPerPixel for font to have
# any effect. If A4 blitcap is enabled for target specific HAL the
# fontconverter must generate compliant data format, otherwise
# resulting in a DMA Controller Configuration Error.
text_data_format := A4
# Setting for the textconverter. Identical texts across all languages
# are mapped to the same memory region to save internal flash memory
remap_identical_texts := no
# Location of the TouchGFX Environment
touchgfx_env := G:/TouchGFX/4.12.3/env
text_converter_options := remap A4 binary_fonts
Who can tell me what went wrong.Or give me a specific example.
Thank you very much.
2019-11-14 4:22 AM
What do you mean by "cannot create any binary fonts" - How do you know? Where did you check?
2019-11-14 5:10 AM
Hi ,
I check the generated/fonts folder. And can not find the bin folder.
Follow the document, it should generate a bin folder in the generated/fonts folder.
I want to generate a binary font and put it on my SD card.
How to create it, please help me.
Thank you very much.
2019-11-14 5:47 AM
Are you using version 4.12.3 of TouchGFX?
2019-11-14 5:49 AM
I just did a quick test:
I now have
2019-11-14 5:45 PM
Thank you very much!
I did it Successfully.
I found that it must be created in simulator application.
If I do it in the STM32F4 application, it can not be created.
2019-11-15 1:01 AM
By "STM32F4 application" do you mean through whatever target-compiler you're using? E.g. EWARM, MDK-ARM.
By running the simulator you're also running "make assets". This command will be run when you press "Generate Code". So if you simply modified your configuration and then compiled with IAR, then sure, nothing would be generated.
Maybe you're actually highlighting a usability issue here :) Thanks
2019-11-15 3:13 AM
No.I do not compiled with IAR. What I means is I create a project of touchGFX on simulator target, it can be generated. But if I create a project with any ather target e.g. STM32F429I Discovery, when I Press "Generate code",it cannot be gererated.
2019-11-15 4:51 AM
Then i'd ask you to post the error log :) Press "detailed log" in TouchGFX designer.
2019-11-18 10:47 PM
This is the log.
It is still create the .cpp files.
Generate Code
Generate Assets
make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j10
Converting images
Generating generated/fonts/src/GeneratedFont.cpp
Generating generated/fonts/include/fonts/GeneratedFont.hpp
Generating generated/fonts/include/fonts/CachedFont.hpp
Generating generated/fonts/src/CachedFont.cpp
Generating generated/fonts/include/fonts/FontCache.hpp
Generating generated/fonts/src/FontCache.cpp
Generating generated/fonts/src/ApplicationFontProvider.cpp
Generating generated/fonts/include/fonts/ApplicationFontProvider.hpp
Generating generated/texts/include/texts/TextKeysAndLanguages.hpp
Post Generate
touchgfx update_project --project-file=../MDK-ARM/TouchGFX_test.uvprojx --gui-group-name=Application/User/TouchGFX/gui --generated-group-name=Application/User/TouchGFX/generated
Here is the app.mk.
# Location of the TouchGFX Environment
touchgfx_env := G:/TouchGFX/4.12.3/env
text_converter_options := remap A4 BPP24 binary_fonts
Here is my project. In this project , I can not create the binary_fonts with using the TouchGFX designer 4.12.3.