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How to use different QSPI memory on stm32F746-Disco board.

Associate II


I'm currently working on a project using stm32F746-Disco board and Touchgfx.

As you know, The stm32F746-Disco board used 128 Mbit QSPI memory.

I'm running out of 128 Mbit SPI memory, so I'd like to use a higher capacity QSPI memory(256MBit).

​However, the Cube example or STM32CubeProgrammer has only 128Mbit QSPI EX Flash Loader.

I want to use STM32CubeProgrammer or CubeIDE to store data in different capacity QSPI memory.

Can I get some references or ideas for this? :dizzy_face:


You'd need to write or commission an External Loader to support your chosen Flash IC on the ​pin usage of the specific board.

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