2023-04-10 6:05 AM - edited 2023-11-20 8:38 AM
I'm trying to drive 7 inch 800x480 display from STM32F750-DK by replacing inbuilt 4.3 inch 480x272 display. I'm using application template from TouchGFX designer designed for 4.3 inch 480x272 display. I followed stpes this forum answer and get relavant values from display datasheet. Also I followed this video. I have changed the values in LTDC configration and TouchGFX generator according to my display.
I have changed the "Start Address 2" by adding 16x480x800/8 to the "Start Address" I'm using RGB565 as in the Application template that's why it is 16, not 24. (But I tried using 24 and RGB888 configuration as well. But it also had that same issue.)
Finally I was able to drive static screens. But the problem is when something change in the display, display is shaking(objects are moving here and there). For better clarity I have attached the video
I have pasted screenshots as well
From the TouchGFX designer I just only put pink box as backgound to fill the area.
Same issue happens when change between 2 static screens without any transition animation as well. But after the screen changed it shows without any issue. Issue happens only at the moment of changing (Since animattion changes continously issue exist continuously as in the video)
I have attached my CubeMX file as well
Do I need to change some code changes as well ? I haven't change code in the application template. Did I missed some CubeMX configration ? I only configrured LTDC and TouchGFX generator.
I need some guidance/help to drive this display. Also If some one have some sample touchgfx projects to dirve 7 inch display highly apprciate If you can share them with me.
Thank you
2023-04-11 11:33 AM
Try activate animation buffer too. Exist more ways one is in generated target locate file
setFrameBufferStartAddresses((void*)(0xC0000000), (void*)(0xC0200000), (void*)(0xC0400000));
2023-04-11 10:25 PM
Thank you very much for the suggestion. Tried this. But not worked. By the way, it does not happen only in animations. Any change in the screen like a transition between screens without animation. I just changed the question a little bit according to that.
2023-04-11 10:38 PM
2023-04-11 10:47 PM
Board is real. I just only replaced the display.
"Seems your code or hw have other issue" I haven't change the code. Do I need to change something in the code ?
2023-04-11 11:03 PM
2023-04-12 1:04 AM
I compared them using git. Notice that LTDC configuration in main.c and TouchGFXConfiguration.cpp files has been changed by the CubeMX accordingly. But that's it. It does not contain any FMC, SDRAM related configuration changes
2023-04-12 2:21 AM
2023-04-25 9:10 PM
Found another thread he also haveing that same issue. https://forum.allaboutcircuits.com/threads/stm32f750-800x480-lcd-causing-artifacts.192298/
Seems like there is a issue with the STM32F7508-DK devlopment board.
Also able to drive a 800x480 display using STM32H750B-DK board by just doing paramter changes in LTDC parameters in CubeMX without modifying the code manually.
2023-06-04 5:14 AM
Hey, Any Progress on this board?