2023-07-02 10:30 PM
In the Touch GFX Designer, I have taken the total of four screens. In the first screen, I have added a background image to it. Next I have taken a box and added some color to it.
Then I have done same with the other three screens. I have taken box in each screen and filled different colors to the box after adding a background image to the Screen. I also added interactions to change the Screen by wiping and given directions to wipe the every Screen and finally tried to run the simulator, but only the first screen could be able to seen in the simulator and switching the screens is not getting in the simulator.
Is it possible to change the Screens without adding of buttons? If so, How?
2023-07-02 11:04 PM
to Change screen without any interaction use this:
here you have to replace "gotoScreen2ScreenNoTransition()" this with your screen name.
2023-07-02 11:26 PM
If the gotoScreen[...]-functions are not created by TouchGFX Designer, add an Interaction without trigger and action for change screen and then it will:
2023-07-02 11:41 PM
if you generate the code according to above settings goto[..] function will get created in generated folder.
check FrontendApplicationBase.cpp file there you'll get yours goto... function for screen
2023-07-03 3:03 AM
Hello @Shivani ,
I'd also go for custom action and interaction as suggested by @t.decker.
2023-07-06 9:20 PM
Hello @Osman SOYKURT ,
As suggested by the @t.decker I have tried with the interactions to change the screens. But the screen is not switching from Screen1 to Screen2.
When I have tried in the simulation only the box that I have added in the Screen 1 is seen in simulator.
And I have not added any interactions or actions in Screen2.I have added an action and an interaction suggested by @t.decker
2023-07-06 11:52 PM
Hurry up. Start learn howto interractions use. For example create two interractions 1. Delay initiated on screen load
2. change screen after 1 ends
2023-07-07 4:38 AM
Is it not possible to change the screens without using any buttons or widgets? In my application i have not added any buttons etc. in the screens.
2023-07-07 6:26 AM
I show you howto do this , what youu dont uderstand?
2023-07-07 8:58 AM
Hello. How you then want to trigger the screen change...wiping to left/right ?