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How to suppress shaking with buttons in Touchgfx

Associate II

When using touchgfx buttons, a single press can trigger multiple times, and using regular software to delay seems to have no effect. Do you have a good way to suppress shaking or detect button bounce?

Senior II

I use sampling time to get data from touchscreen.

Can that achieve the effect of shaking reduction? Is the specific implementation of the method you mentioned operating in the C language or touchgfx C++code

I just use systemTick to repeat get data from touchscreen every 100ms and I update the screen every second by a function that it's created from interactive with N Tick and it was refreshed every second.
I didn't use a build-in button function.
I had create process flow by myself.

Do you use the button callback detection function? If not, how do you use the button function

Oh, No, I had get pressed position in systemTick and check it in gui. if it inside button, it's going to call function that I created by Interaction in touchGFX to process what I want.
I think that this is not good one. and I know I should rewrite driver to filter it out but it's not this time.
 My Touchscreeen is XPT2046 which it's not good one.