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How to play the video on SPI display using Touch GFX.


Hi Community,

I have connected SPI Display-ILI9341 to STM32F769NI board and succeeded in the displaying the different sized images. Used Touch GFX through STM32CubeIDE. (Enabled Touch GFX in STM32CubeIDE). 

Now I wanted to play the videos on the SPI Display-ILI9341. I enabled the video widget. but not getting the results.

I have completed following steps and played the video on STM32F769I Board with DSI . But I wanted to play the video on SPI Display-ILI9341. So, I tried and no results.

1- Download this free mp4 video from this link:

2- Convert the video in MJPEG format:

2.1 Rename the video "01__2822_29.mp4" to "test.mp4"

2.2 Apply this command to the downloaded video: 

ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -s 480x272 -vcodec mjpeg –q:a 1 -an output.avi

3- Put the generated video "output.avi" in the path: <YourProject>\TouchGFX\assets\videos

4- From TouchGFX designer please select output.avi as the video to play and try to run the simulator to visualize the video.

5- If all is OK. You can run the example on the target.

So, anyone knows how to play the video on SPI Display-ILI9341 using Touch GFX?

Thanks and Regards,
