2022-03-11 12:09 AM
I am using below componnet tools
IDE: STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.8.0
GUI: TouchGFX Version: 4.18.1
FLASH: MX25LM51245GMI00 (OctoSPI)
I am using below pins
// MX25LM51245GMI00
// D0 PD11:AF9
// D1 PD12:AF9
// D2 PE2:AF9
// D3 PD13:AF9
// D4 PC1:AF10
// D5 PC2:AF11
// D6 PC3:AF11
// D7 PD7:AF10
// CLK PB2:AF9
// NCS PB10:AF9
// DQS PC5:AF10
I am using below configuration
There is source for QSPI but dont have OctoSPI.
I created external loader for custom board. But it didnt work. I am getting below errror.
I shared external loader project file at attachment. Can you review it please? I need your support.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-03-22 3:58 AM
Edit: @Community member, this post was meant as a reply to your reply from 2022-03-17.
I am far outside my own domain here.
I have forwarded your request to another team who knows this part.
I hope you will have a reply soon.
Had to create an internal ticket to follow the protocol ;)
Use it in contact with us if no you get no reply within a reasonable time...
2022-03-22 4:03 AM
Let me have a look into if there are plans to produce any tutorials...
We have multiple teams working on tutorials, might take some time for me to know.
@Nawres GHARBI , do you know?
2022-05-05 4:02 AM
I'm using a STM32H735IGK6 processor with a MX66LM1G45GXDI00 flash memory (couldn't buy anything similar to the memory on the dev board).
I cant find a loader for this memory device online so I need to tailor my own but finding it hard to get any data on how to do this.
Has a tutorial been created for this yet?
Or is there any guidance on do this with an octospi interface?
2022-05-05 9:55 AM
There are tutorials for QUADSPI, aren't those almost directly applicable to OCTOSPI?
The HARD concept is the External Loader method/mechanics, not the SPI vs QUADSPI vs PARALLEL, and then memory-mapped, vs not.
Step#1 here is to write and test your own BSP code, with a specific focus on the Erase and Write portions, for the hardware you've built/created. You do this at an application level so you can test and instrument the code and get a clear understanding of the commands, status and control settings, and time these operations take. The memory is optimized for the Read task/operation, so most everything else is relatively slow, and needs to be paced by the memory and it's status reporting.
There should be example OCTOSPI BSP for L4+ and H7 boards, and chip combos.
2022-05-05 2:30 PM
What pins are you using on the H7?
2022-05-06 2:23 AM
My connections are the same as the STM32H735G-DK board.
J13 PD11 OSCSP11_100
J15 PD12 OSCSP11_101
C3 PE2 OSCSP11_102
H15 PD13 OSCSP11_103
C9 PD4 OSCSP11_104
B9 PD5 OSCSP11_105
A8 PG9 OSCSP11_106
B8 PD7 OSCSP11_107
Extract from STM32H735G-DK schematic and my schematic.
2022-05-06 5:50 AM
Does the DISCO loader see the first half of the memory?
2022-05-06 6:04 AM
I assume you are asking as this memory is twice the size of the original, but as yet I cant access the memory at all.
2022-05-06 9:15 AM
I'm just trying to gauge the level of complexity and routes to fixing, as I don't have any of these Macronix chips, and can mostly work with the SOIC16W parts, SOP16 300-mil, or whatever the preferred designation is. Not seeing stocks of those either.
Never mind, I found some MX66L1G45GMI-10G and -08G parts, DigiKey has 33K parts, indicates the -10G is NRND and non-stocked. Pricing close to $16
I'd have thought command set would be quite similar. Erase block sizes look consistent.
I did observe that the OCTOSPI on the H7Ax/7Bx and H72x/H73x DISCO/DK are using different pins.
Can you access the memory via your own BSP implementation, reading out the JEDEC CHIP ID?
Place holder for loader project(s)
https://github.com/cturvey/stm32extldr/tree/main/h7_mx66l1g45g QUAD
https://github.com/cturvey/stm32extldr/tree/main/h7_mx66lm1g45g OCTO
2022-05-13 1:07 PM
Ok, the MX66L1G45GMI parts from DigiKey in SOP16 are the QuadSPI "L" parts, I was unable to find any of the OctoSPI "LM" parts in the SOP16/SOIC16W form factor, only CSP, but Macronix is sending some MX66LM1G45GMI00 parts to support the project, so thanks go out to them.