2020-02-04 3:39 AM
Hello. I am currently trying to interface physical buttons with my UI, by using interactions directly from the designer, like so:
When hardware button is clicked > BUTTON KEY > Change screen
I am brand new in this software and embedded software in general, thus my question is, for BUTTON KEY, what do the numbers mean? How do I access specific digital pins on my board?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
P.S. I'm working on a STM32F746G-DISCOVERY board.
2020-02-05 2:52 AM
Maybe i should do a writeup on this. All the way from CubeMX to Designer.
In a nutshell, you tell your .touchgfx file what the different keys "mean", which values they'll have. These values are received through your implementation of ButtonController which you'll configure on a TouchGFX HAL. That ButtonController will then sample some GPIO port and return the value, for a key, that you defined in your .touchgfx file - Creating a link between hardware and designer interaction (which translates to a handleKeyEvent() ).
I'll try to get more concrete when i have time.
2020-02-05 2:55 AM
Hi Martin,
Thanks a lot, it's getting closer to what I need. Do you think it could be possible to include some kind of demo of it in the next webinar?
2020-02-05 3:53 AM
Potentially! I'm not sure what the webinar plan is :)
2020-02-05 5:44 AM
Maybe i'll do a video guide once i get some "free" time.
2020-02-11 1:40 AM
That would be Great !!!
2020-02-17 1:51 AM
Since we don't be going to Embedded World, i'll make an effort to do a video on this i think.
2020-02-17 1:54 AM
Sounds good. Do you have any idea when we can expect this video to air? :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:
2020-02-17 2:24 AM
When EW was supposed to end for us, is my guess :D End of this month. I won't start until EW starts.