2022-06-18 12:52 AM
2022-06-18 2:12 AM
Your project path is very long or linker library config is fail.
Open and check project config
2022-06-24 3:19 AM
Hello KMod3,
It can be may reasons. As @MM..1 said, it's maybe your project path which is too long for example.
But without any other information, we can't help much :grinning_face_with_sweat:
Could you give us more info about your project ? Did you regenerate your project with TouchGFX Designer after generating your code on STM32CubeMX (I see that you're compiling with STM32CubeIDE) ?
2022-06-26 9:42 PM
Yes. I am compiling one of my colleague's code in my system. On opening the project on TouchGFX Designer and rebuilding it again, the error is gone.
But If I am making the project from scratch in my system and doing any addition on the generated code using STM32cudeIDE, I don't find such error on compiling.
Is it any portability issue?
2022-06-28 12:48 AM
Hello KMod3,
Not necessarily, I mean, when your colleague created his project he has his own configuration, different paths, maybe different versions of TouchGFX Designer, CubeMX, STM32CubeIDE..,
I think that's totally normal that you need to rebuild a project you get from someone. Rebuilding the project from TouchGFX Designer will make the links to the libs it needs, so nothing alarming ;)