2021-03-14 8:34 PM
is there a way to show the "<" symbol on the screen? I used a wildcard and want the string show likes this "< <value> %", but the "<" symbol will never see, is someone knows how to do that?
2021-03-15 5:05 AM
when enter in Designer you can try <<
but in C++ simply use this char as any other.
2021-03-15 5:15 AM
Honestly an easy way to do this would be to use two text areas where you put the "<" in one text area and "<value>%" in another :grinning_face_with_sweat:
2021-03-18 8:26 PM
thanks, sounds good and I will seriously consider this way.
2021-03-19 8:25 AM
Why not one area with
<< <value>%