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How to change the display window size dynamically using TouchGFX?

Associate III
Alexandre RENOUX

How can your display window change at run time ?

Can you explain what you are trying to do ?


@Alexandre RENOUX​ 

yes thats what i try to do change the display window at run time.

i have a live video application and i am using the 2 layers of the display. First one for the live video and second for the GUI and i am using slide menu. The idea is when I activate the slide menu the window size change and vice versa. I am using LTDC driver but its not working so i suspect that i am using then in the wring place or touchgfx override them.



Hi, could you provide some pictures/code ? I have trouble visualizing what you are trying to do, could you just do your GUI with the biggest window size you will have and just modify the size of your widgets/containers/slide when you need to instead of trying to change the actual window size?