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how do you combine stm32f446 and gfx01m1?


Hi all,

I m very new using stm32CubeIDE and TouchGFX.

I m trying to interface the two, but when creating a new project on TouchGFX, I am unable to find the stm32f446 Mcu to start my screen design.

Am i doing something wrong ?

Chief III

but when creating a new project on TouchGFX

is primary ONLY for demo projects and demo boards with displays.

Normal way :

  1. Start new project in CubeIDE
  2. config HW
  3. write or use BSP drivers for external HW in your situation SPI LCD and SPI NOR ... GFX01
  4. after your display and other works init and test
  5. add software package TouchGFX in ioc wizard and config as custom ... SPI
  6. ... docu FMC and SPI Display Interface | TouchGFX Documentation